Monday, November 25, 2013

Tis the Season to be Thankful!

Oh my.
Here we are at Thanksgiving once again! Oh how I do love this time of year. Everything and everyone is so thankful and that's just what this generation needs more of year around. I need to be more thankful. With the day-to-day cares of life, I tend to lose sight of all that I have and forget to be thankful for the little things so many people go without. I'm guilty of it and long to be in a spot where I take nothing for granted. Lord help me is my prayer.
Thanksgiving is such a happy day... not just because of the food (and all those yummy delicious calories that don't count because after all, it IS holiday party food;) but because it's a time of being together.. in the kitchen and around hot cocoa with daddy trying to taste everything, it's really a special time to be together and sing songs of Thanksgiving to our Lord, because without Him we would truly have nothing.
Every year,  Lydia and I argue over who's taking up the most counter space prepping and baking all the goodies to be set out for the family to devour. :) I wouldn't trade those little spats for anything. I'm VERY thankful for my family. They are my whole life, and my best friends! I dug up some little memories from last year, hope you enjoy! 
 Nina preparing Thanksgiving dinner, looking like a doll and keeping the kitchen spotless. This is what a true lady is. Thank you Lord for a wonderful mother and example!

Some of Nini's famous pies, let me tell you. This woman is the Queen Bee of pies. I've yet to taste better.
After dinner last year, we went to Keirland Commons in Scottsdale to walk off the turkey that so wanted us to give into the temptation of falling onto the couch only to stay for the rest of the day . We walked hand in hand and enjoyed ourselves - some of the sweetest hours spent!

Everything was so festive!!

Mauro is thee coolest kid on the block. I mean come on, look at that cool kid stance! They don't come cooler than this, my friends.  
Hope you enjoyed the photos and I would like to wish you all the
 Happiest of Thanksgivings!
Don't forget to offer up a prayer of thanksgiving to the One who gave EVERYHING so that we might live and gave us the gift of Eternal Life ♥
How Blessed we are!
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him and bless His Name." Psalms 100:4


  1. Beautiful! I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving. Thursday and year-round <3

  2. I love you Cassi girl! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! <3
